Illyn's pups
of the pups:
Contacting their breeder, Sara:
a photo to open the gallery, then use arrow to advance.
Day 10
3 weeks
4 weeks:
5 weeks:
5 weeks:
7 weeks:
8 weeks
10 weeks:
10 weeks:
4 weeks:
5 weeks:
6 weeks
7 weeks:
9 weeks
10 weeks:
3 months:
Illyn's diary
Il diario di Illyn
December 5
Here I am, I will tell you how my meatballs evolve in the coming weeks.
But it all started two months ago, when Sabine brought me to meet this English gentleman, Max, as red as my dad, telling me that he is a good dog, he works well and is very nice, he likes to work with his owner, but I do not! I am in charge and if I agree with Sara maybe I listen to her commands, but since she often makes mistakes, I usually have to do it myself, but that's another story.
Returning to our story, after becoming acquainted with Max I began to feel strange and heavy. 10 days ago Sara told me that I needed rest and 5 days later as if by magic (not because I was a pest) here are my puppies, agile and snappy like meatballs in the pan, finding their way to the milk-bar! I was a bit confused at the beginning because I do not like dogs very much, it is true that they are not dogs, but something told me that I had to take care of them and so I did, from Friday 01.12.17 at 20.00 I've devoted myself to my 4 meatballs, two red and two black, three boys and a girl.
These days I've done nothing but eat, breastfeed and upset Sara. You know the bipeds here have spent a lot of time designing and building a puppy-box for dogs, as if I were a dog! Obviously I do not want to use it, we have the sofa, as any civilized home! I've enjoyed keeping Sara up all night to keep an eye on me, I do what I want anyway! Speaking a bit of my children, I still can not tell you anything about their personality, just that they are very nice and one is a bit noisy, the fat one who wants to eat all the time.
The girl is pretty I think; I will teach her how to behave with the bipeds. It makes me laugh when someone says that bitches are easier. Ask Sara who will tell you that even when I was in the body of a puppy, I was obviously already a super adult dog like my mom!
That's all for now; I have nothing more to tell you. I must run because I have to feed everyone here, they must grow up quickly; we have the sheep to take out. Maybe I will move everyone to under the sofa again, just to upset Sara; it's fun every time to see her frantically look for the puppies and me! But nobody touch them, they are mine!
5 dicembre
Eccomi, vi racconterò delle mie polpettine settimana per settimana…
Tutto è iniziato due mesi fa, quando Sabine mi ha portata a conoscere questo gentleman inglese, Max, rosso come il mio papà, dicendomi che è un buon cane, lavora bene ed è molto carino, pensate collabora con il suo proprietario, io invece no! Io decido e se sono in accordo con Sara magari ascolto i suoi comandi, ma siccome sbaglia spesso, generalmente mi devo arrangiare da sola, ma questa è un'altra storia.
Tornando a noi dopo aver fatto conoscenza con Max ho cominciato a sentirmi strana e a lievitare, 10 giorni fa Sara mi ha detto che avevo bisogno di riposo e 5 giorni dopo come per magia (non tanto per magia perché un po' ho sofferto) ecco i miei cuccioletti, agili e scattanti come delle polpette in padella, trovare la strada per la latteria! Ero un po' confusa all'inizio perché a me non piacciono molto i cani, è vero che loro non sono cani, ma qualcosa mi diceva che dovevo occuparmente e così ho fatto, da venerdì 01.12.17 alle 20.00 ho cominciato a fare da pub a 4 polpettine, due rosse e due nere, tre maschietti ed una femminuccia.
In questi giorni non ho fatto altro che mangiare, allattare e far arrabbiare Sara, sapete i bipedi qui hanno speso un sacco di tempo a progettare e costruirmi una cassaparto da cani, come se io fossi un cane! Ovviamente io non voglio usarla, abbiamo il divano, come in tutte le case civili! Ma in fin dei conti mi diverto a tener sveglia Sara tutta la notte per sorvegliarmi, tanto io faccio comunque quel che mi pare! Parlando un po' dei mie piccoli ancora non posso dirvi nulla sulla loro personalità, solo che sono molto carini ed uno è un po' rumoroso, è il più ciccione vuole continuamente mangiare!
La femminuccia è carina penso che le spiegherò come ci si comporta con i bipedi, non vorrei che qualcuno pensasse che essendo una femminuccia sia di più facile gestione, parlate pure con Sara che vi racconterà di quando ero nel corpo di un cucciolo, ma ero ovviamente già un super cane adulto come la mia mamma! Che dire di più, per adesso non ho altro di interessante, ora scappo perché devo dare da mangiare a tutti qui, devono crescere in fretta abbiamo le pecore da governare qui, magari li trasferirò ancora sotto il divano, giusto per arrabbiare ancora Sara! Tranquilli non li faccio toccare a nessuno qui, sono miei!
December 14
I'm back! We are on the second week, my meatballs grow very quickly. We are studying the different members of the flock and we will soon begin to look closer at rams, sheep and lambs. There is a lot of progress; they have their eyes open and they climb into the bowl, on the shelves of the box, and on their mother: me !!! The people moved me to the kitchen because they could not keep me in the puppy box and keep me out from under the sofa with my little ones, those limited bideps!
Since a few days the humans are leaving the kitchen door open and every so often someone comes to visit us, but I'm very good at chasing them away. Our seniors Lad and Bingo can stay because my meatballs are already moving faster than them! I think it's time for someone to build me a fence for my meatballs; if they do not hurry I think we'll all move somewhere more appropriate!
14 dicembre
Da qualche giorno gli umani qui stanno lasciando la porta della cucina aperta e ogni tanto viene a farci visita qualcuno, ma sono bravissima a cacciarli via subito, Lad e Bingo possono rimanere vicini, tanto le mie polpettine si muovono già più veloci di loro! Credo sia ora che qualcuno mi costruisca un recinto per le mie polpettine, se non si sbrigano a farlo credo che ci trasferiremo tutti dove riterrò più opportuno!
26 dicembre
December 26
This week there have been big changes for us! We left the little pen for a bigger puppy park and the meatballs really liked it. Now they walk and run, or rather they roll at great speed in a playground worthy of the name. I often take them to play with their brown cousins ​​and they learn new tricks every day. Every day there are a few prison breaks and my meatballs get out and venture to annoy some uncle or aunt, but that's okay; if anyone touches my balls I kill them and they know it!
I feel like a milk cow, but the butter balls have also begun to eat kibbles. With the first little teeth sprouting I don't mind at all to get some relief.
Every day the people here put something new in the pen to stimulate the meatballs, as if it were needed! But these humans are so cute that I sometimes let them pick up my meatballs, but only one at a time and not for too long! This week I will begin to study the personality of each one and I'll talk about it in the next update ... Happy holidays til then!
January 10
I'm a bit late with my diary, but I'm quite busy. First all of the meatballs are now bigger than 2.5 kg and someone even 3! (He will become like my brother Skye...!) So you can imagine how much I have to work hard to feed these butterballs but fortunately they also eat kibbles.
I'm beginning to know them and understand them better. My little red boy (number 1) excessively cute and nice, quiet and peaceful; I really like him.
My little girl (number 2) well, she's is like me. I'm very proud of her, but I'm afraid she will be a difficult puppy. I'll have to tell Sara to be careful when looking for a family; she'll have to explain how to solve the problem, and immediately abandon the idea of ​​closing the girl in stupid fences and doing stupid things, just as I had to explain to Sara a few years ago since nobody had told her.
The black baby with the droplet in the forehead (number 3) he too is cute and tender as number 1, but a little less calm.
And finally number 4, the boy with the white stripe in front, he too will give a hard time to his family; escaping is his profession!
We update soon because something tells me that there is work to do!