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Jim & Nell vacationing in Florida

Sabine was tempted with an invitation to go give some clinics in the US during a period with many trials, so Jim and Nell packed their food balls and boarded the plane with Sabine, from a freezing and snow gloppy France to 30 degrees and palm trees in Florida. Whereas Sabine was suffering from jet lag, heat shock and stress worrying about how the dogs would manage the flight, and basically only served to hold the post in place, Nell and Jim got off the plane ready to go straight to work, sharp as ever, worked as cool and level-headed as on the farm back home, and won enough to pay for their own flight tickets with some souvenirs thrown in. Jim even ended up on top of the podium at the big C54 trial with participants from all over North America.

Thank you so very much to the organisers who invited us; it was a once in a life-time experience! <3

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